Stock Market Game

Set-up for Playing the Stock Market Game
  1. Sections
    1. Games
  2. Find A Game
    1. Search for "Westlake Stock War"
    2. Password "thunder" or speak to your instructor.
  3. Complete Profile
    1. First Name field "Teacher Initial, Class Period, Space, Students First Name" - OA1 Pat
    2. Real email address (not school district email address)
    3. Make up the rest of the information - Company info etc.
  4. Verify your email and contact
  5. From the Welcome Page - Click on the "Trading" tab

Instructions for the weekly stock journals
  1. Find a company by using a search engine to look for the Stock Symbol for a company
  2. Copy/Type that stock symbol into the search field of the game
  3. Click on the Stock Symbol for the company
  4. Inline image 1 
  5. On the Company Info page read an article, from the past week, about the company.
  6. Change the chart view to 5 days
  8. Write a short paragraph that connect the information from the article to the effect of the stock price.
  9. REPEAT this two times (three company's) each week. 
  10. Then, go the the MarketWatch home page, find an article from the past week regarding the Stock Market as a whole.
  11. Read and summarize the article. 
  12. Submit all four paragraphs to your teacher. 
Trouble Shooting:  If you are unable to log into the game go to the 'My Profile' page and log in there.